Moniker: Matthias

Personal Address: He/Him

Birth Era: Stuck between Mellenial and Gen Z

Wedded Yes (We are in the 5th year)

Realm: Florida, US

Occupation: I work at a hardware store and I am going to school for network engineering

Favorite Game: League of Legends (TFT currently)

The Purpose of the Website

The purpose of this website is experimental.

I've alwasys been interested in writing a blog or just having my own personal space on the internet and this seemed liked a good place to start. My goal is to write some blog posts (mostly stream of consious) at least once a week and to write a mini-essay about once a month on something I am intrested in at the time. I also have a spot to post pictures of any adventures that occur, an art section for anything I might draw or design, and a seperate section for recipies.

These plans are rather ambitious but I think it has some merit in at least attempting to create something personal and meaningful to me that can't be taken away.

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